Nov 18, 2023
American Psychiatric Association 800 Maine Avenue, S.W., Suite 900 Washington, DC 20024
Dear Practitioners,
The recent event involving the tragic shooting in Maine has sparked renewed calls for the return of asylum type institutions. In light of this, it is with urgency that I reach out to raise awareness on behalf of the thousands of American citizens suffering as non-consensual subjects of the Electronic No Touch Torture Program (hereafter referred to in this document as The Program), and the non-kinetic brain injury associated with sustained remote neural interference. The range of these neuro-weapons runs the gamut of symptoms recently described in the news by the victims of Havana Syndrome, to the severe disability associated with schizophrenia. The description provided by Mr. Card’s family of the neural harassment he experienced over the past few months certainly fits the symptomatic profile associated with this type of weaponized targeting. It may come as a surprise to learn that much of what you encounter in your practice under the guise of schizophrenia—attributed to hazy speculations of genetics or chemical imbalance—has an actual etiology and definitive indicators—which are not biomarkers, but discernible via audio forensics. And if it can be isolated by audio forensics, it is not mental illness.
Most if not all of you entered this field because you have a genuine desire to help people. Perhaps you watched someone in your own family deteriorate and vowed you would do what you could to avoid that devastation in the lives of others. This is honorable, and your discipline is uniquely positioned to advocate for your patients and the safety and well-being of society at large.
A Parent’s Perspective
I too, have a stake in this effort to raise consciousness about the correct diagnosis of mental illness. You see, I am the mother of a severely disabled daughter—now in her early forties—who was inducted into The Program in her mid to late teens. The only explanation I was given by doctors was “schizophrenia” and the circuitous journey of home disruption, forced drugging, in-patient hospitalization, and criminal record began and progressed into full gear. This from a happy, talented, vibrant young woman who was gainfully employed in her teens, had never been in trouble with the law, and was brimming with plans for her future. All this turned inside out within a few years. No one could ever identify what specific chemical was imbalanced in her brain; although that was the justification for administering powerful, mind-numbing drugs. Nor did they listen to her and take her seriously when she tried to describe what she was going through. Apparently psychotherapy only exists these days for the well-to-do. So the drugs were administered—often forcibly—despite the fact she never improved, and in fact, only worsened to the point of complete disability.
Learning Curve On The Information Highway
Years would pass before information on the Internet would enable me to learn of the existence of over one hundred patents for remote neural interference devices. Or the whistleblowers within the military and intelligence agencies who came forward to acknowledge the existence of such technologies and admit their deployment upon unsuspecting American citizens under the umbrella of “national security”. Exploitation of these neural weapons is administered through an unauthorized special access program known as The Electronic No Touch Torture Program and funded by American tax dollars. How are the perpetrators able to operate with such impunity? In a nutshell, because the human brain has already been mapped; and it has no firewall.
Technology, Psychiatry, And The Victim In The Middle
That’s why disclosure and candor are so critical in addressing this issue. Psychiatry has—perhaps inadvertently—been co-opted as an accessory to this harmful and covert operation—an operation which by torture and harassment forces people to speak and act irrationally and hear and respond to things apparent only to them. The cover story presented to society and the medical profession for such behavior is always mental illness, but the objective of The Program is to control the individual and get them to act against their own interests: such as committing a heinous act which will then be used to influence public policy; and to destabilize marriages and entire families, which ultimately, creates a non-cohesive and unstable society—thereby justifying the need for more ‘mental health’ initiatives—a self-perpetuating cycle. Throughout all of this, the real antagonists remain cloaked in anonymity. The issue will continually be blamed on genetics, chemical imbalances, guns…anything but remote neural interference. A classic example of “look over there…not here…nothing to see here.”
History—A Short Synopsis
You are justified in expecting me to validate my statement suggesting that psychiatry has—perhaps inadvertently—been co-opted as an accessory to this harmful and covert operation. History verifies that after the Cold War, the military industrial complex commenced a series of studies in a race against the former Soviet Union to map the human brain and find ways to penetrate it. The goal driving remote influence of individuals was the ability to control their own espionage operatives and disable those of the enemy. This historical account is covered in the fascinating online documentary The Minds of Men, by Aaron and Melissa Dykes. An even more detailed account is found in Walter Bowart’s 1978 exposé Operation Mind Control.
Dr. Jose Delgado’s experiment with the bull, whom he remotely controlled, is perhaps the most well-known of these early endeavors. While the bull management with the stimoceiver appears relatively harmless and mildly entertaining, the sinister seeds of human manipulation and control took deep roots in Dr. Delgado’s philosophical outlook, prompting him to author Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society.
Around the same time, psychiatrists Drs. Mark and Ervin were experimenting with the implantation of electrodes into the brain of one Leonard Kille. The electrodes were planted for the purpose of mapping the brain to determine what part of it influenced a particular emotion or response. Ultimately, Mr. Kille’s life deteriorated dramatically, although Drs. Mark and Ervin published papers stating they had cured him. After learning of the tortuous destruction of Leonard Kille, Dr. Peter R. Breggin intervened to have this sort of experimentation stopped; but the studies to control the human mind merely went undercover, continuing clandestinely. By the mid 1970’s, the technology had evolved to the extent that manual electrode implantation was no longer necessary; communication could now be relayed to the brain using various wave frequencies which locked on to the individual’s unique electronic signature. It was around this time the saga surrounding David Berkowitz a.k.a. Son of Sam unfolded. According to an account by Berkowitz, ‘Sam’ was none other than Uncle Sam, who said he had many more ‘sons.’ If taken at face value, this statement seems to indicate the intent of surreptitious operatives to exploit the technology going forward on a continuous basis.
Looking back, it is apparent the military industrial complex originally funded the research psychiatrists conducted for brain mapping and control of individuals. Ultimately, the military industrial complex in conjunction with intelligence agencies co-opted the research results for their own designs and purposes, embedding it into their MK Ultra Program. On the medical side, responses evoked from non-consensual subjects exposed to remote voice transmission and bodily sensations via brain computer interface were added to the DSM as a diagnosis of schizophrenia. This is why I protest that psychiatry finds itself in the untenable position of running cover for a very dark and destructive operation. Under the Diagnosis section of the What is Mental Illness page on your web site, readers are informed that “some mental illnesses can be related to or mimic a medical condition.” But has your profession realized that electronic neural no-touch torture exactly mimics what the DSM describes as mental illness? I give the benefit of the doubt for those who did not know before reading this. But as far back as 2003 British psychotherapist Carole Smith submitted a paper titled On The Need For New Diagnosis Of Psychosis In Light Of Mind Invasive Technology. Some high points from her concluding remarks:
· Finally – if the victims at this point in the new history of this mind-control, cannot yet prove their abuse, it must be asserted that, faced with the available information about technological development – it is certainly not possible for those seeking to evade such claims – to disprove them. To wait until the effects become widespread will be too late.
· For these and other reasons which this paper has attempted to address, we would call for an acknowledgement of such technology at a national and international level. Politicians, scientists and neurologists, neuroscientists, physicists and the legal profession should, without further delay, demand public debate on the existence and deployment of psychotronic technology; and for the declassification of information about such devices which abuse helpless people, and threaten democratic freedom.
· Victims’ accounts of abuse should be admitted to public account, and the use of psychoelectronic weapons should be made illegal and criminal,
The medical profession should be helped to recognise the symptoms of mind-control and psychotronic abuse, and intelligence about their deployment should be declassified so that this abuse can be seen to be what it is, and not interpreted automatically as an indication of mental illness. · I appeal to your profession to consider the roots of neuroscience and how your discipline has been wrongfully appropriated to shield its misuse in this present era.
Thorough Diagnostics
Psychiatry is defined as “the practice or science of diagnosing and treating mental disorders. Proper science will always consider the entire body of facts, as opposed to cherry-picking, which presents favorable evidence while concealing or neglecting to include evidence which is unfavorable. To compare some non-psychiatric situations:
Example 1
A man presents to his medical caregiver with complaints of fatigue and shortness of breath over the last two months. A preliminary examination reveals no airway obstructions. The patient has always been physically active, is a non-smoker, and has no allergies. The physician is reluctant to prescribe an antihistamine and continues to probe. During the conversation the patient mentions he had plenty of energy before the move. The doctor asks the patient if he had his new residence inspected for mold. A follow up with the patient confirms the dwelling has a serious mold problem, and the patient has contacted a mold remediation service.
Example 2
A policeman observes a man walk unsteadily to his car, fumble with his keys to unlock the door, and practically fall into the driver’s seat. When he approaches to check on him, the man’s speech is slurred as he smiles weakly at the policeman. The officer prepares to write him a ticket for DUI and have the car towed. As he prepares to summon the tow truck, he hears the man whisper, “Please get my glucagon out of my glove box.” The officer realizes the man’s unsteadiness is not an alcohol issue, but a medical one, and acts accordingly. The man had smiled, not in a drunken haze—but in a sense of relief that someone was on the scene to help him.
In both fictional scenarios, there was more to the situation than immediately met the eye. The policeman needed to listen first before forming a judgment based strictly on visual observation. A DUI—had it gone on the man’s record—could have cost him his reputation. In the case of the man with the labored breathing, the doctor realized the problem might not lie with his patient but could be emanating from an external source. Had he merely written him a prescription, the patient may have experienced some fleeting relief. But the medicine would not have abrogated the causal issue.
When people come to a psychiatrist saying they are hearing voices, is the entire body of facts brought into the conversation? Is the very real existence of invasive neural technologies factored into the discussion? Or is the patient immediately branded as mentally ill, now to commence bearing a lifetime stigma? If there is a refusal to acknowledge the existence and potential deployment of this type of technology, then the default diagnosis shifts to mental illness—the kind that calls for powerful drugs. Drugs that make the patients feel awful, and even less able to withstand the barrage of demeaning synthetic telepathy remarks, electronic shocks, and unwanted stimulation to sensitive areas of their bodies. How many languish in in-patient facilities, jails, psychiatric wards, or are homeless when in reality, they are not mentally ill at all, but victims of torture whom no one believes—their own treating physicians gas-lighting them and not taking them seriously?
Before heavily medicating people who complain of hearing voices and labeling them schizophrenic and mentally ill, I ask you to conduct due diligence in investigating the patient’s complaint; beyond the presenting symptoms, to the consideration of all causalities; the same way a good defense attorney demands discovery, location of witnesses, camera footage, and any exculpatory evidence that will exonerate his client. A conservative estimate shows there are currently over a quarter million victims of this non-consensual experimentation. The psychiatric discipline must be educated about the reality of this technology. I appeal to you to listen to your patients, make it standard protocol to incorporate audio forensic equipment in your practice, and create the appropriate diagnosis codes to address invasive neural torture, Havana Syndrome, and non-kinetic brain injury.
If we were to learn that someone was struggling to adjust to societal norms after enduring years of physical torture at the hands of a foreign regime, our reaction would be a sense of outrage at the perpetrators, but compassion for the person victimized. Even on a local level, If it came to light that a perpetrator had kidnapped someone, kept them isolated in a remote location, and spent year after year sexually assaulting them, while constantly mocking and humiliating them, we would find it horrifying; rescue the victim, and bring their tormentor to justice. Support to enable the victim to recover and re-calibrate would be actively sought. We would want to be perceived as a society that did not countenance torture of the innocent as acceptable. We would think it strange indeed to further punish the victim further by locking them down and administering mind-numbing drugs—a form of torture in and of itself. Yet, that is exactly what is occurring to victims of remote neural harassment; the only difference being the abuse cannot be readily observed by outsiders. Responses by the victim to the abuse are observable, but not the abuse itself. Because the entire body of facts is not taken into consideration, the sufferer is not viewed as a victim needing protection from an assailant, but as a patient whose complaints and behavior are aberrant and merit intervention by drugging.
Further, when a mental illness diagnosis is made that is not based on the entire body of facts, any judicial decisions proceeding from the diagnosis—whether criminal or probate—are subsequently flawed. The invasive neural targeting is a brain-computer interface, with the ability to disintegrate the psyche, remove or rearrange memories, replace them with new ones, and integrate new personalities of the handler’s choice. Because of this, victims may have committed actions or an offense under the influence of one personality, then been shifted out of it by the handler at the time of their arrest. They may be placed on a drug regimen and after a few weeks, declared “competent” to stand trial for their crime. The victim, however, is confused about what happened or why, and often cannot recall participating in the actions they are charged with. Usually, they will just agree to the charges in order to regain their freedom, while simultaneously protesting their innocence. The court and mental health professionals will be all the more convinced the victim is mentally ill because of the way they are profusely denying obvious charges. The program handlers will continue to set up situations like these throughout the victim’s life, and people who originally never had a criminal record ultimately end up with a significant one; their life debased, reputation destroyed, and employment opportunities compromised.
Why does this matter to you as psychiatric professionals? Because judges in the criminal, mental health, and probate courts rely exclusively on the testimony of psychiatrists to make their rulings, effectively rubber stamping whatever the medical profession testifies to in hearings or written statements of expert evaluation for incompetence and guardianship. The judge trusts that the psychiatrist or individual acting in the capacity of mental health professional has examined the entire body of facts relevant to the patient’s condition. Without being adequately informed, the judge is not aware of invasive neural targeting or that induction into The Program is the underlying cause of the behavioral issue.
It is a travesty of justice when targets of mental torture are judged by the same standards as those applied to run-of-the-mill criminals. The omission of the entire body of facts also hobbles attorneys for the victims because they are left with no precedent to build on except the ‘mental illness’ narrative. In contrast, if the courts realized they were dealing with torture victims, the humane care initiative that drives your purpose as an organization could be integrated to provide effective treatment. I appeal to your profession to present the entire body of facts so that torture and the reaction to it is clearly distinguished from ‘mental illness’; resulting in this differentiation being factored into judicial decisions.
I’m not one to play the race card. I personally think it’s a lame maneuver used by individuals who cannot otherwise defend their position based on facts. But something extremely off center is occurring in the arena of African American citizens and schizophrenia diagnosis. Even a cursory search on African Americans and schizophrenia shows serious disparities in the diagnosis rate—up to two and a half times more frequently than white Americans. Yet African Americans are only about 13% of the population.
Having established that the remote neural torture mimics schizophrenia, I argue that a strong case can be made for the intentional invasive neural targeting of this racial group; the end goal being destruction of families, and ultimately, the disintegration of African American communities. Those of us who have been unfortunate enough to be inducted into The Program can testify that multiple family members are affected, often cross-generationally. This is done, not only for the subversion of the family, but to reinforce the false genetics narrative that mental illness ‘runs in the family.’
This disparity also creates a societal ‘underclass’ perceived by others as unproductive and a drain on resources. This—in spite of the fact that many if not most of these people were employed in some capacity or pursuing some career goal before their induction into The Program. When a sizeable social underclass is created, it is only a short step to begin viewing them through a lens of contempt: as useless eaters…a burden on the ‘productive’ citizens.
This is little more than a subtle version of eugenics and human trafficking. Eugenics—in targeting a specific ethnic group for pharmaceutical intervention, and human trafficking—for the financial sustainability of jails, prisons, psychiatric wards, and in-patient facilities as the torture victim moves from one stop to the next along the circuitous route. But there remains a more sinister and horrifying aspect of this diagnostic disparity.
African Americans As Unwitting Pawns In A Planned Future Race War
Research and experience demonstrate that remote neural manipulation mimics schizophrenia, and a staggering imbalance exists in schizophrenia diagnosis between African Americans and white Americans. This gap is even more pronounced when factoring in the minority presence of African Americans within the U.S. population. And we know that one of the primary goals of The Program is to goad the target into acting against their own interest. This results in destabilization of the individual; and reaches out with a ripple effect effect to their family, community, and ultimately to society as a whole. To summarize, remote neural manipulation=schizophrenia, which masked as mental illness in a targeted population can be strategically managed to destabilize society.
Is the technology being implemented behind the scenes to shape the cultural narrative and bring civil unrest? Recently, Critical Race Theory and White Shaming narratives have emerged to displace the traditional rational mindset characteristic of African Americans. However, if the population cannot be re-educated quickly enough, a series of crises is necessary to force a change in outlook. This brings us to the unpopular but necessary discussion of recent escalation in Black on white and Black on Asian assault and/or murder crimes. In tandem with this trend is the mainstream media’s intentional downplaying of incident coverage and/or neglect to identify the race of the perpetrator if African American. Questionable charging and sentencing outcomes in some cases compound the issue further. Taken together, it is not difficult to discern that a storm of civil unrest is brewing. The same entities that brought us The Program—entities with no allegiance to this country whose sole goals are power and control—are the ones sowing the seeds for a race war. And I am concerned that the African American community is being co-opted to facilitate it by targeted remote neural influence.
The fiscal stability for your profession guaranteed by an abundance of African American patients may be a high wave to ride today but have no illusions: it will all come crashing down when the nation is drawn into an all-out race war. The aftermath—rioting, economic collapse, and lock downs enforced by martial law—will touch all levels of society, even degreed professionals. I appeal to your profession to look closely at this disparity and define your role in it, and clarify what goals are sought when a specific ethnic group is systematically labeled and destabilized.
Insult To The Social Resources Safety Net
Individuals born with congenital defects or who become severely injured and disabled later in life need the support of Social Security and SSI benefits to manage in our society. My contention is that a vast number of people are being unnecessarily and intentionally disabled by The Program. Thousands of people were gainfully employed or otherwise contributing in a beneficial manner to their homes and communities before non-consensual induction. The contractors who operate The Program and their overseers are immune to the toxic effects of strained state and federal budgets because the operational funds they rely on are off the books—siphoned from the taxpayers or laundered via various schemes unknown to the public…since this is a USAP [unauthorized special access program]. At the same time, lobbyists point to homeless people or atrocious crimes that make the headlines and beg the public for ‘more money to fight mental illness.’
If they get the levy they want, they may indeed receive increased funding for mental health, but they will remain powerless to stop The Program. That is the equivalent of throwing good money after bad. And to doom a significant segment of the population to poverty level income, while simultaneously draining untold sums from the Social Security fund is at the least fiscal mismanagement and lack of due diligence, and at the worst, criminal. I appeal to your profession to consider how such vast amounts of funds could be put to work to counteract and ultimately disable this dehumanizing Program.
Jeopardizing Personnel In The Healthcare Space
In an inpatient facility, physicians rely on powerful tranquilizers and sedative injections to subdue aggressive patients who do not respond to verbal redirection. What many healthcare personnel are unaware of is that part of The Program’s experimentation is focused on creating the super soldier. Under this form of neural tampering, rage is remotely activated with no advance warning, the pain receptors in the brain disabled, and a kill or be killed mentality assumed. In the aftermath, the memory will be wiped, and the target will either have no memory of what actions they committed, or vaguely remember them in a totally different context. This immoral corruption of human beings leads to the use of deadly force—especially during encounters with law enforcement, corrections facility staff, and hospital security. Presuming individuals in high security level facilities are as a matter of protocol already on an anti-psychotic or to some extent sedated, was the super soldier phenomenon what took place during the summer of 2013 at an Ohio psychiatric hospital?
Is it acceptable to countenance a program that divests individuals of their humanity and endangers others’ lives for the purpose of exulting in scientific accomplishments and military prowess? Would it be okay if your mother, father, son, daughter, grandchild, etc. were molded into a super soldier? This is what I live with—a person who has been weaponized against me, while being constantly goaded by The Program contractors as they morph my voice to broadcast threatening and insulting statements to her. She has already had an encounter with law enforcement where three male officers together were unable to subdue her and their taser had no effect. Is this the type of environment you should immerse clinical and hospital personnel in— situations where they must interact with people who are being remotely modified and tinkered with to resist electric shock, injectable tranquilizers, and multiple assailants? I appeal to you to consider both the ethics involved in the manipulation of such patients, and the safety of your associates who must interact with them.
What is really going on with your patients that have been inducted into The Program? For every method of torture The Program inflicts, a simplistic corresponding cover narrative is generated for treatment providers. The Program steps up the AI chatterbot with a running narrative of hateful, demeaning statements that never shuts up. The victim attempts to respond back and keep up and is then said to have “pressured speech.” At other times, multiple handlers engage the victim in a synthetic telepathy discourse playing good cop/bad cop. When the victim counters their lies and accusations, they are said to be “responding to internal stimuli.” The victim may get into some type of altercation or situation where they must be restrained or subdued and cannot be stopped even by a taser because the remote handlers shut off the pain receptors in the victim’s brain. The medical community calls that “excited delirium.”
At some point, the victim ends up hospitalized and placed on community probate. Powerful drugs are administered. The patient “dulls down”, their speech is not as rambling, and perhaps their gait slows. At some point, this diminishing is referred to as ‘baseline.’ Treatment professionals are pleased with this flat, zombie-like presentation and consider the mental health treatment a success. Now, if the patient would just stay the course and be medically compliant so they don’t decompensate.
But this is still not who the person was before they were inducted into The Program or hit with the invasive neural weapon. And neither has the targeting and harassment stopped—it has continued even throughout the in-patient hospital setting. The Program handlers are masters at backing off the torture just enough to allow the victim to reach the assessment goals set in their chart. The patient is then given a Long-Acting Injection and sent back out into society. But the entire time, the harassment has never stopped. Anti-psychotics are no match for remote neural torture. Often, even while exiting the hospital to return home, the synthetic telepathy, unwanted shocks, choking sensations, and unwelcome stimulus to sensitive areas of the body commence—a nagging reminder to the victim that the perpetrators still have him or her firmly in their grip.
A Mile In The Shoes Of The Targeted Individual
The lives of inductees into The Program are no longer their own. Theirs is a life of constant weaponized surveillance, a real-life Truman show. They endure day in/day out incessant chatter from AI chatterbots and they cannot disconnect from the conversations. Sometimes human handlers engage but much of the torture these days has been delegated to AI. They are mocked, taunted, insulted, and demeaned. They are forced to view perverted and pornographic images, even images of children being tortured. (Remember, this is a computer-brain interface which locks on to the victim’s unique electronic signature, so there is no place they can go to get away from it.)
Unwanted stimulation of sensitive areas of their bodies is timed to coincide with common everyday sounds i.e., a motorcycle racing by, or sirens. They are forced to feel sensations of their brain being squeezed, pressure on their eyeballs and eardrums that make them feel they are going to explode, sensation of suffocation that leaves them gasping for air, interference with their heart causing terrifying arrythmias, forced laughter due to remote stimulation of the part of the brain associated with laughter, and induced sleeplessness for periods of up to seventy-two hours straight. Induced narcolepsy—especially dangerous for those who drive, non-stop tinnitus that increases in pitch and amplitude when approaching the vicinity of a cell tower, physical burns—both pinpoint and wide area from directed energy weapons, and sudden urgency pressure on the bowels or bladder are also common torture tactics. The voice prints of family members and neighbors are analyzed by the AI, then morphed into the synthetic telepathy, so that the victim hears the voices of loved ones or people living close by mocking, slandering, or threatening them. Because a primary component of The Program is isolation of the victim, even pets are attacked, sickened, and destroyed. Further, parents, siblings, or children are often targeted; under The Program, entire families are traumatized and subverted.
There is also the ‘boots on the ground’ component, where the operators of the technology partner with other intelligence and security stakeholders such as FBI, InfraGard, even Community Watch programs. Entities from these groups provide ‘street theater’ and stalking, which combined with the relentless synthetic telepathy take the torture experience to an unbearable level and can drive victims to great lengths to escape the torment. Because the victim has already been flagged and in many cases placed in The Terrorist Screening Database as a “non-investigative subject”, they have no credibility if they attempt to report the stalking to police.
Disturbingly, even a form of heterodyning exists whereby the perpetrators can remotely rape and fondle the victims. In many cases, the victim is presented with a task by The Program handlers and told the torture will stop if they just complete it. The mission will always be something not in the best interest of the victim. Still, the victim desperately seeks relief. The task can be something as simple as smearing something on an item that is special to someone else thereby ruining it or committing an act with much more extreme consequences. Presented in this light, it should not be hard to discern the ‘sense’ behind many apparent ‘senseless murders’ in our society.
The neurological control experiments originated under the auspices of national security and the need to surpass the mind control capabilities of rival superpowers. But over the course of sixty years, they have devolved to little more than role-player video games on behalf of those who manipulate the technology—with the victims as the characters. According to whistleblower Dr. Robert Duncan who submitted a report about this torture program to the Senate Intelligence Committee, the torturers are to use the victims, then dispose of them any way they can; and a significant part of the torture is what they refer to as Hyper Game Theory: to walk the target to their death via suicide, getting murdered, imprisoned, or declared mentally ill. Any of these outcomes would be considered a success. The longer the victim survives, the more of a challenge it becomes for the torturers—and like a kid determined to master a level on a video game to get to the next—they intensify old tactics and experiment with new ones in their quest to break the victim.
If a sadist finds a masochist that wants to play along, the interaction—regardless of the severity or degree of bizarreness—is consensual. But when sadists masquerading behind a ‘it’s national security/we need to test and perfect our signal intelligence’ narrative engage with unwitting citizens, it is twisted and demented. The real murderers, psychopaths, and mentally ill are The Program handlers who hide behind the technology while they torture, prod, and goad the victim to their demise and the demise of others, destroying families and destabilizing society as a result. They do this with impunity, because they know the victim’s actions will be blamed on “mental illness.” They know the victim will be forced into a “therapy” that is useless against electronic torture, because the public, the courts, and the medical community itself can’t fathom that it could be anything else but…mental illness…all in the victim’s head. I appeal to you to immerse yourself in the pathos of those you diagnose and treat.
Why This Matters To Psychiatry
What makes each of us uniquely human is our free will; the ability of our spirit to soar, our soul to rejoice, our mind to create and reflect. But there are those who would rob us of that freedom, to satiate their lust for control. Control of the human psyche translates to power in the hands of the one controlling. The more people under the control of the individual, the more power that individual has.
This desire clearly surfaced in Dr. Delgado’s book Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society… “We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. ... The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”
Note: Dr. Delgado wanted access to people’s minds for the purpose of political control in society. Apparently someone took his ideas seriously, and in the 1960’s assassinations of three high-profile figures occurred across the space of politics and social justice. We were introduced to the Unabomber, Son of Sam, Waco, and the Guyana Massacre. The expressions ‘lone nut’ and ‘conspiracy theory’ were seeded into the vernacular. Taken together, the events and pop cultural appropriations served to influence and cement political policy and control. Not content with isolated events, the experimenters moved on to broader swaths of the population, sometimes targeting selected groups in areas of the United States.
Today it has expanded to a free-for-all. If policy needs to be changed about something (for instance, firearms possession) and the public balks or resists through proper political process such as their vote, a target can be selected to commit an outrage and move things along. If a particular race needs to be demonized in order to influence public opinion, a victim can be selected and guided in the crafting of a manifesto, and then goaded to commit a hate crime—which will result in a clamor for stricter laws, which ultimately ushers in some degree of change in political control. It is not difficult to see a pattern showing how abuse of this technology is being exploited.
If the philosophy of the technology manipulators is that we don’t have the right to develop our own mind, they will attempt to draw the line at which such development should curtail. At some point, because of simple human nature, people will cross that boundary. And if crossing the boundary (whatever it may be) becomes the new evolved definition of mental illness, it will doom all who do so to stigma, degradation of life, and subjugation to whatever ‘therapy’ is deemed the official treatment—be it mind-numbing drugs, re-education camps, or a combination of both. This is a major reason to focus not just on the groundbreaking advances of neuroscience that restore quality of life but understand that the foundational research for it was rooted in a desire to usurp the will of entire populations. When the abuse of this technology on every day law abiding citizens is officially exposed to the public, which side of history will you be on?
No One Is Exempt
Equally important is recognizing that no one is safe from the weaponization of this technology. If you read Dr. Robert Duncan’s report to the end, you will see that he warns us that anyone can be placed into the Electronic No Touch Torture Program. This means you, your colleagues, and your loved ones are all at the mercy of their lottery. If you or someone close to you began ‘hearing voices’, insulting remarks, or heard your spouse or colleague say something to you—except they weren’t conversing with you at the moment or anywhere within earshot…if you felt your heart suddenly begin to race uncontrollably when you had no history of cardiac issues …or experienced a frightening, forceful pressure on your skull while a voice only you can hear asked you if you wanted more of it, or found yourself laughing at inappropriate times without anything amusing or funny prompting it…or felt yourself being inappropriately touched by a force you could not see or identify…would your immediate reaction be to dose yourself with a powerful long acting anti-psychotic or volunteer for institutionalization? Would this be the protocol you would choose for yourself or your friend or loved one? What options would you have? Who could you turn to? If you did confide in a trusted colleague, under the current methodology what could they recommend to you other than a regimen of neuro-toxic brain-altering drugs? And suppose you balked at going down that road, knowing the long-term side effects, and knowing you would feel compromised, and not like your real self. Would that then make you medically non-compliant, worthy of being man-handled by orderlies or police and forcibly injected?
Or would you, like I and many others, do the research, leave no stone unturned, and connect the dots to learn the truth about the abuse of a technology that disrupts and destroys lives? While stopping the weaponized torture may take time due to the sheer magnitude and secrecy of The Program, psychiatrists can use their collective voice to publicly acknowledge such a program exists, and that the victims of it need an official diagnosis and a different therapeutic approach. I appeal to you to take that first step.
Stage Whispers—When Art Imitates Life
It is possible to watch films like Control Factor or The Manchurian Candidate, and not realize they are indicators of very real technologies, because the venue presenting the disclosure is entertainment. Entertainment allows us to suspend belief. But this is problematic for victims of The Program seeking assistance or understanding from medical professionals whose belief about the subject remains suspended.
The information about these rogue human experimentation programs conducted under cover of national security is well documented since the 1970’s. The invasive neural and voice broadcasting patents are also a matter of public record; there are over one hundred of them on file. TED Talks are available online where the technology (particularly broadcast speech) is demonstrated. But it seems that as individuals study in medical school in preparation for psychiatric practice, this information is either ignored or suppressed.
When I learned about the Electronic No-Touch Torture Program, many incomprehensible things that had taken place in my childhood and former marriage finally made sense. I understood that I had been the main target for many years progressing to the point that one of my daughters was targeted and weaponized against me—degrading her life and disabling her—all in a twisted zeal to destroy and undermine mine. Upon studying the history and methods of The Program, I presented a sizeable amount of research to the doctors and staff providing my daughter’s care; and to the probate and other courts in my locale with whom she had contact. I demonstrated with meticulous documentation how I observed her behavior to match almost to a tee the outcomes of the torture program. I was met with a range of reactions that spanned from bemusement to outright anger, dismissal, and gaslighting. Somewhere in the median range was the probate court who felt the information I presented merited inclusion in the official record…for that I am grateful; and for the courtesy of the behavioral health case managers who heard me out though admitting they “had nothing to code” for what was going on with my daughter.
That’s why I initiated this conversation. Your professional voice holds the key to articulating the distinction between torture and mental illness. Your collective and collaborative knowledge are foundational to defining and publishing diagnosis codes for behavioral disturbances resulting from neural-invasive technologies, Havana Syndrome, (non-kinetic brain injury), and creating new methods of therapeutic intervention. Your patients need to be able to trust you, not fear to divulge what is really happening to them: paralyzed by the threat of a lifetime of stigma, drugging, and institutionalization. Rethinking the treatment and support for electronically targeted individuals is pivotal in reestablishing trust in the doctor-patient relationship.
The information about neural-invasive technologies is readily available, as are numerous whistleblower testimonies from former military and intelligence personnel confirming the use of these technologies for experimental, signal intelligence testing, torture, and societal control purposes. Below, I am providing text and media links for your perusal. After reviewing them, the ball is in your court to formulate strategies and solutions that address the unique needs of the torture victims in the targeted community, both domestically and internationally. Some of this information is on media platforms considered non-mainstream. This in no way repudiates the veracity of the data. It only serves to confirm that this critical insight into many behavioral abnormalities has been suppressed and ignored by establishment media and education. If it were common knowledge provided to the public at large, this dialogue would be unnecessary. I appeal to you to educate your profession about this technology and its effect on the human mind. I ask that you consider holding seminars where you can engage with entities knowledgeable in this field and obtain strategic guidance.
In closing, I am fully aware the magnitude and intensity of attacks against me and my family may increase as a result of this communication. For the record, none of us are suicidal, depressed, given to reckless lifestyles, battling illness, driving mechanically defective vehicles, or any of the other plausible deniability elimination by murder scenarios reserved for those who have the temerity to call out an injustice. Should anything happen to me or any of my family as a result of initiating this dialogue, it will merely serve to confirm I am over the target.
It is not out of a display of bravado or seeking recognition that I approach the public space with this issue. Rather, it is out of a sense of duty toward my daughter and love for her. Someone must speak for those whose voices have been muted. So, for the record I state: “It is not okay to make a Manchurian Candidate or super soldier out of my child. Neither is it acceptable to harass and torture her until something tragic occurs—then, exploit her image and memory as a poster child for more funding for ‘mental health’.” That said, I extend the invitation to open what I trust will be constructive dialogue addressing the multiple appeals in this letter.
Trenét Worlds
The Minds of Men Documentary
Narrated by Aaron and Melissa Dykes Features statements from Dr Peter R Breggin
Targeted Individuals - Advanced Stealth Weapons of Torture
Features statements from:
William Binney Ex-NSA Technical Director and Whistleblower
Dr. James Giordano DARPA Neurologist/Weapons Expert
Barry Trower Ex-MI5 Microwave Scientist/Whistleblower
Nick Begich Mind Control Science Researcher and Educator
Bio-Ethics Committee of 2011
Dr. John Hall Practicing Physician and Whistleblower
Operation Mind Control Walter Bowart Audio Book PDF
Carole Smith, British Psychoanalyst
On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003. Global Research, October 18, 2007
Dr. Eric Karlstrom Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults
Dr Robert Duncan - B.A., M.S., M.B.A., Ph.D
Dr. Robert Duncan was a D0D, CIA, DARPA, DOJ contractor until he discovered that his work on neuro technologies was being used to torture innocent American citizens.
Targeted Justice Richard Lighthouse, Founder
The world's leading information resource for Targeted Individuals
Targeted Justice, Inc. v. Garland, CIVIL H-23-1013
Ana Toledo, Attorney for the Plaintiffs
PACTS International Derrick Robinson, President
People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance, International
Activism and Support for individuals targeted by remote neural interference and torture.
PACTS International has formally reached out to the government on behalf of Targeted Individuals via a Letter to the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.
Please reach out to Derrick Robinson in your official capacity as physicians to obtain a copy of the Havana Syndrome Survey.
Forensic Audiologist providing solid proof that “schizophrenic voices” and “Voice of God” transmissions are nothing more than artificially generated pulsed electronic communications, and that these pulsed communications can ride on surrounding ambient sound or be beamed directly at an individual. The technology also functions as a surveillance tool.
Woody Norris
[Search Woody Norris Hypersonic Sounds and other Inventions—Ted Talk]
Inventor of HSS [Hypersonic Sound]
In this TedTalk Mr. Norris describes his ability to target sound directly anywhere he wants it—including in a person’s head heard only by them—and the use of the ‘Voice of God” weapon broadcast to influence Iraqi soldiers during Operation Desert Storm.
Electromagnetic Weapons /electromegnaticweapons.pdf
Sampling of U.S. Patents On Subliminal Suggestion and Mind Control
This is so clearly stated! Clean. Real. Truth. Thank you for advocating and speaking up with confident candor. The world is better with you in it.
Thank you Ryan... thats a good strategy. Will be following up on this.